“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing things because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney.

The first step in a child’s learning adventure begins with curiosity. Children’s innate interaction with their environment is through curiosity. Curiosity prepares the brain for learning, whether that is academics or social emotionally. When children become curious, the brain becomes a fast moving, information gathering tool that encourages learning. Not only does the brain engage, but more importantly so does the heart. It becomes their signpost as they move throughout their day and propels them towards their interests and goals.

As the adults in their world, we get to support them in this amazing endeavor…and sometimes that can seem overwhelming and not so wonderful when we’re not sure how or what to support them with in their development.

I am ready and excited to team with you to build their capacity to inquire, play, and connect using practical skills and strategies that regulate their nervous systems. A full ‘toolbox’ allows children to engage socially, build self-confidence, and accomplish tasks with more joy and ease.

“I have no special talents.
I am only passionately curious.”
– Albert Einstein.

Illustrations: Jacqui Stransky

How Do I FIT?

 As an author it is my passion to shine light on the differences that make us unique and see them as part of the solution; instead of something that needs to be reworked or manipulated to fit. What if we helped children to shine in the areas that were their strengths? How would their life and educational experiences change to support their own personal growth?

This is the birthplace of my book, How Do I Fit?. This story is about a child that wanted to chat about the stars and dance to their own drumbeat, and in the end wasn't able to fit into the box of school. Instead of conforming to the norms that were put in front of them they stayed true to themselves.

Let’s invite meet the kids at the table sandbox…because they are humans too…just being all that they know how to be -
fun-loving and authentic!

They dream BIG, play HARD, and love UNCONDITIONALLY…isn’t that all we hope for them?

How can we support them to stay on this path with all of the comings and goings of life today?

What if all of the answers were inside of them…what if we took the time to just be with them and listen to their wisdom?